15 Dec 2021 | 06:00 PM GMT

Health Plan State of the Industry -- Get an early start to 2022 planning

About this Webinar:

Prevailing attitudes about the future suggest that the health care industry is either approaching a new equilibrium or reverting to the pre-pandemic mean—but Advisory Board believes that the future is still unwritten, for the moment. While most health plans were generally stable throughout the pandemic and used excess strategically to make principled (rather than reactive) investments, leaders in other sectors are now finding themselves with their own unique—but time-limited—opportunities to shape that future.

This presentation will explore what health plans need to know about key structural shifts of the peri-pandemic period that may play out in different directions, depending on the actions taken by stakeholders across the industry in the near future. These include new price transparency requirements, value-based payment, physician alignment, virtual care, home-based care, and health equity.

Key takeaways:

  • Gain insights into financial and market trends for health plans in the peri-pandemic era
  • Evaluate strategic investment opportunities health plans can make right now for future success
  • Evaluate key structural shifts across the industry