Liberating Patient Data through Interoperability
About this Webinar:
Health data has grown at a rate of 878% annually for the last four years....and this percentage just keeps getting bigger! Data is flowing from patient connected devices & wearables to care teams, from providers to payers and every which way in between. The data chain is constantly growing in both size and complexity. Any kink in this chain will ultimately lead to a disruption in care. So how can we strengthen our data distribution channels to be both effective and efficient? Enter interoperability, allowing for disparate health solutions to work in tandem through increasing access for all stakeholders touching the patient data chain.
With the onset of new CMS and ONC rules around interoperability impacting how we share and utilize data, it is crucial for all stakeholders to know where they fit in the data chain and how to best comply. On top of understanding the regulations, the industry has to be ready to embrace greater innovation to further liberate patient data to allow for more informed care decisions and assist patients in managing their own health. Where are the breakthrough solutions focused on interoperability making an impact now?